Orientation 01/04/2025

Lead Valley Range 92098 E. Hwy 36, Deer Trail, CO, United States

All new members are required to attend orientation before they can use the range. This meeting is held once a month for approximately 90 minutes. Orientation consists of us going […]

Orientation 02/02/2025

Lead Valley Range 92098 E. Hwy 36, Deer Trail, CO, United States

All new members are required to attend orientation before they can use the range. This meeting is held once a month for approximately 90 minutes. Orientation consists of us going […]

Valentine’s Day

Lead Valley Range 92098 E. Hwy 36, Deer Trail, CO, United States

The family of Lead Valley Range wish you and your loved ones a Happy Valentines Day.

Orientation 03/01/2025

Lead Valley Range 92098 E. Hwy 36, Deer Trail, CO, United States

All new members are required to attend orientation before they can use the range. This meeting is held once a month for approximately 90 minutes. Orientation consists of us going […]

Poker Shoot 2025

Lead Valley Range 92098 E. Hwy 36, Deer Trail, CO, United States

The Poker Shoot will be fired with a rifle in the benchrest position. Only the contestant's body is allowed to touch the bench. No part of the rifle or any […]

Orientation 04/06/2025

Lead Valley Range 92098 E. Hwy 36, Deer Trail, CO, United States

All new members are required to attend orientation before they can use the range. This meeting is held once a month for approximately 90 minutes. Orientation consists of us going […]

Orientation 05/03/2025

Lead Valley Range 92098 E. Hwy 36, Deer Trail, CO, United States

All new members are required to attend orientation before they can use the range. This meeting is held once a month for approximately 90 minutes. Orientation consists of us going […]

Orientation 06/01/2025

Lead Valley Range 92098 E. Hwy 36, Deer Trail, CO, United States

All new members are required to attend orientation before they can use the range. This meeting is held once a month for approximately 90 minutes. Orientation consists of us going […]

Introduction to Clay Shooting 2025

Lead Valley Range 92098 E. Hwy 36, Deer Trail, CO, United States

This event is to introduce you to the Clay Shooting games which there are five different games. We will start with the history of Clay shooting all the way to […]

Orientation 07/12/2025

Lead Valley Range 92098 E. Hwy 36, Deer Trail, CO, United States

All new members are required to attend orientation before they can use the range. This meeting is held once a month for approximately 90 minutes. Orientation consists of us going […]

Membership Appreciation Picnic

Lead Valley Range 92098 E. Hwy 36, Deer Trail, CO, United States

Thank you for your membership! To show our appreciation, Lead Valley Range is excited to host a picnic for our members. We have put together a fun event with demonstrations, […]

Orientation 08/03/2025

Lead Valley Range 92098 E. Hwy 36, Deer Trail, CO, United States

All new members are required to attend orientation before they can use the range. This meeting is held once a month for approximately 90 minutes. Orientation consists of us going […]

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